Hi, my
name is Tristan.

I'm a cybersecurity student from 
Tampa, Florida.
About MeExperienceEducationCertificationsContact
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About Me

Hello! My name is Tristan and I am a student at St. Petersburg College, working towards a Bachelor's degree in Cybersecurity. My educational focus is on acquiring a solid foundation in cybersecurity to prepare me for the challenges I will face in a professional setting. My goal is to secure a role where I can work with likeminded people in a position that allows me to contribute to the team in a meaningful way. I am eager to apply my knowledge and skills in a real-world environment, and I am looking forward to learning and growing within a cybersecurity team.


April 2023 — Present
Social Media Manager ∙ Central Rock Gym
Managed social media initiatives at Central Rock Gym Tampa, successfully growing the follower count by over 70%. Increased the reach of accounts from approximately 30,000 to 80,000 per month. Provided training to new employees on company processes and procedures. Achieved the highest number of member sign-ups for the year.
Feb 2021 — Oct 2021
Smart Home Technician ∙ Camandras
Specialized in installing and troubleshooting smart home technology for Airbnb properties. Created easy-to-use guides for guests, ensuring seamless interaction with automated features. Provided training and support to property owners, enhancing security and functionality through advanced IoT solutions. Recognized for high customer satisfaction and effective problem-solving.


May 2025
St. Petersburg College
Bachelor Degree ∙ Cybersecurity (In-Progress)
• Cloud Computing Foundations
• Security Architectures
• Incident Investigation & Forensics
• Human Aspects of Cyber Security
• Ethics for Information Technology
• Threat Detection & Mitigation
• Emerging Security Technologies
• Securing the Cloud
• Cyber Warfare
• Info Security Policy Adm & Mgmt
• Compliance & Data Governance
• Strategic Cyber Security Enforcement
July 2023
St. Petersburg College
Associate Degree ∙ Cybersecurity
• Network Defense & Countermeasures
• Ethical Hacking
• Network Security Foundations
• Operating System Security
• Incident Response & Disaster Recovery
• Laws & Legal Aspects of IT Security
• Intro to Computer Programming
• Computer & Information Technology

Hi, my name is Tristan.

I'm a cybersecurity student from 
Tampa, Florida.
About MeExperienceEducationCertificationsContact
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About Me

Hello! My name is Tristan and I am a student at St. Petersburg College, working towards a Bachelor's degree in Cybersecurity. My educational focus is on acquiring a solid foundation in cybersecurity to prepare me for the challenges I will face in a professional setting. My goal is to secure a role where I can work with likeminded people in a position that allows me to contribute to the team in a meaningful way. I am eager to apply my knowledge and skills in a real-world environment, and I am looking forward to learning and growing within a cybersecurity team.


Sep 2022 — Present
Link Layout
Managed a B2B business focused on website design, development, and hosting. Collaborated with clients to transform design concepts into functional websites. Enhanced SEO for client websites to boost visibility and performance. Increased click-through rates on redesigned sites through user-centric improvements and data-driven decisions. Worked with cross-functional teams to meet project goals and exceed client expectations.
April 2023 — Present
Social Media Manager
Central Rock Gym
Managed social media initiatives at Central Rock Gym Tampa, successfully growing the follower count by over 70%. Increased the reach of accounts from approximately 30,000 to 80,000 per month. Provided training to new employees on company processes and procedures. Achieved the highest number of member sign-ups for the year.
Feb 2021 — Oct 2021
Smart Home Technician
Specialized in installing and troubleshooting smart home technology for Airbnb properties. Created easy-to-use guides for guests, ensuring seamless interaction with automated features. Provided training and support to property owners, enhancing security and functionality through advanced IoT solutions. Recognized for high customer satisfaction and effective problem-solving.


May 2025
St. Petersburg College
Bachelor Degree ∙ Cybersecurity (In-Progress)
• Cloud Computing Foundations
• Security Architectures
• Incident Investigation & Forensics
• Human Aspects of Cyber Security
• Ethics for Information Technology
• Threat Detection & Mitigation
• Emerging Security Technologies
• Ethics for Information Technology
• Threat Detection & Mitigation
• Emerging Security Technologies
• Cyber Warfare
• Info Security Policy Adm & Mgmt
• Compliance & Data Governance
• Strategic Cyber Security Enforcement
July 2023
St. Petersburg College
Associate Degree ∙ Cybersecurity
• Network Defense & Countermeasures
• Ethical Hacking
• Network Security Foundations
• Operating System Security
• Incident Response & Disaster Recovery
• Laws & Legal Aspects of IT Security
• Intro to Computer Programming
• Computer & Information Technology
